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The 10 Best Reunions & Introductions on ‘Game of Thrones’ So Far

10. Daenerys and Jorah and Tyrion

It almost seemed like an impossible thought that any of the Westeros characters would ever meet Daenerys Targaryen, but after five seasons fans were finally granted their wish. After killing his father, Tyrion was forced to flee King’s Landing and was then convinced by Varys to go meet the Mother of Dragons. Along the way he meets Jorah who had been banished by Dany, so it’s safe to say that one of the two was better received than the other. It was such an awesome payoff after five years of essentially watching two different shows to finally see the start tof them coming together.

9. Theon and Sansa

The 10 Best Reunions & Introductions on 'Game of Thrones' So Far

When Sansa makes her way back to Winterfell it’s to marry Ramsay Bolton, so it’s literally under the worst of circumstances for her. Winterfell wasn’t full of all unfamiliar faces though as she is unexpectedly reunited with Theon. Although Theon isn’t Theon anymore, he is Reek and he’s definitely not the same person that grew up with her family and then betrayed them. That arrogance is gone and the guilt that his actions have led Sansa to this point is evident. Luckily, Theon would be given some room for redemption as the season progressed, but after watching him being horrifically tortured by Ramsay, it was relieving to finally see some sort of beacon of hope enter the situation.

8. Arya and Hot Pie

The 10 Best Reunions & Introductions on 'Game of Thrones' So Far

We last saw Hot Pie when Arya was on the run after her father’s death and posing as a boy back in season 2. He was with her group for a bit, but ended up staying at an inn they encountered along the way to become a baker. Now in season 7, not much has really changed on Hot Pie’s end, but Arya is a completely different person than the last time he saw her. She’s lost that sense of innocence that made her so endearing and has become a ruthless badass intent on revenge. Her brief reunion with Hot Pie is a reminder of that as she shows no real emotion or excitement for seeing her old friend again.

The 10 Best Reunions & Introductions on 'Game of Thrones' So Far

We do have Hot Pie to thank for a brief hiatus in her mission to kill Cersei as he tells Arya about Jon winning the Battle of the Bastards and taking back Winterfell. In that moment Arya’s whole demeanor changed and she was visibly moved by the news. Thanks to Hot Pie, Arya is heading home.

7. Arya and Nymeria

The 10 Best Reunions & Introductions on 'Game of Thrones' So Far

Arya had to send Nymeria away at the beginning of season 1 after she bit Joffrey’s arm. That was the last time that we see Nymeria until Season 7’s “Stormborn” when she and her pack find Arya on her way back to Winterfell. What made this reunion so touching is that Arya was able to see that her she Nymeria had somewhat followed similar paths. They’re both wild, independent and strong now. It’s very poetic that these two would meet again when Arya is on her way home to reunite with her own pack. Winterfell was the last place they saw each other and hopefully, it won’t be the last.

6. Jamie and Brienne

The 10 Best Reunions & Introductions on 'Game of Thrones' So Far

Jamie and Brienne’s relationship has always been a fan favorite. They always had such great chemistry, love, and respect for one another and it was a joy to watch. So, after Jamie sent her away in Season 4 to search for the Stark girls and fulfill his oath to Catelyn it was a long wait to see them on the screen together again.  Well, after spending two very long seasons apart, Jamie and Brienne were finally reunited in Season 6 in a short but sweet and tender moment. He told her that he was proud of her and that she would keep the sword he gave her before she left because “it will always be yours.” Hopefully, we will get to see more of these two together this season!

5. Sansa and Bran

The 10 Best Reunions & Introductions on 'Game of Thrones' So Far

It’s crazy to think that Sansa and Bran Stark have not seen each other since the very first episode of the series. When she left for King’s Landing in episode two with her father and Arya, Bran was still unconscious after being pushed out of the tower by Jamie. Well, seven seasons later they finally had their emotional reunion at their home of Winterfell, except, it was very apparent that Bran, who is now the Three Eyed Raven, was a completely different person. He hardly blinked when Sansa ran to and embraced him and later in the episode he vacantly tells Sansa how complicated the Three Eyed Raven is to explain (which, true.) and chooses to bring up her wedding and wedding night with Ramsay Bolton up. What the heck, Bran? However, it’s great to have another Stark back in Winterfell. These reunions will never get old.

4. Arya and Walder Frey

The 10 Best Reunions & Introductions on 'Game of Thrones' So Far

For the past few seasons, Arya’s journey has been about the list of people who have hurt her and her family and who she has every intention of killing. She went to Braavos and learned to be a Faceless Man at the House of Black and White and finally got to get justice for her family at the end of season 6. If you recall back in Season 3, Walder Frey was the orchestrator behind the infamous Red Wedding that literally shook your world back in 2013. So, when Arya ditches her disguise and slits Walder Frey’s throat the same way her Catelyn’s was it was a kickass retribution for the murder of her mother and brother. It was a meeting that was a long time coming and the shock factor and total badassery of it all was epic. “The last thing you are ever going to see is a Stark smiling down on you as you die.”

3. Jon and Tyrion

The 10 Best Reunions & Introductions on 'Game of Thrones' So Far

When Jon and Tyrion first met in the pilot they had what I believe was one of the best conversations to happen in the entire series. It was one about accepting your insecurities and weaknesses (Jon being a bastard and Tyrion being a dwarf) and making them your strengths so your enemies can’t use them to hurt you. They immediately sparked a bond and a friendship that wouldn’t be touched on again until season 7 and I think that it was worth the wait. Even though they hadn’t seen each other in years, they both vouched for each other to their people saying they could be trusted. These two have always been a couple of the good guys and with them finally on the same team, things may start looking up for everyone.

2. Sansa and Jon

The 10 Best Reunions & Introductions on 'Game of Thrones' So Far

Even though it seemed that Sansa wasn’t going to make it to The Wall in time to see Jon, she did and it led to our very first Stark Family reunion! After seasons of watching Stark’s just barely missing each other, fans were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief and smile for a hot minute. Jon and Sansa hadn’t seen anyone in their family for years and the second they realize they’re back together you can see the relief and love on their faces – they were no longer alone. It was almost fitting that these two would be the first to reunite, seeing as they probably had the worst relationship of the bunch. And how awesome was it to get to watch them work together to take down the Bolton’s and reclaim their home of Winterfell?

1. Daenerys and Jon

The 10 Best Reunions & Introductions on 'Game of Thrones' So Far

The meeting between Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow is one that fans have been waiting a very long time for. For seven seasons these two have never shared a scene nor even heard of the other, but they are far more connected than anyone could even imagine. The King in the North and the Mother of Dragons, who were long underestimated and cast aside by their families, now have people that are willing to fight for them and follow them. Their alliance could potentially mean the defeat of both the White Walkers and Cersei, but it could also mean so much more. Many believe that these two are the ice and fire of A Song of Ice and Fire and that collectively they could be the Prince or Princess that was Promised. Not to mention that Jon Snow is most likely a Targareyan, which would make him Dany’s nephew. There is so much to explore now that they have finally met and everything we knew about Game of Thrones so far is about to change.

Honorable Mention: Brienne and Tormund

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