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Robert Downey Jr. Channels all of us in #HappyNewYear Social Media Post

If you’ve been on social media in the last 48 hours, chances are, you’ve seen people around the world talking about what they’re looking forward to in the new year. Saying goodbye to 2017 and starting anew with 2018 means something different for everyone. There are goals to be met, discoveries to be made, and in the pop culture realm – films and television to be extremely excited for.

One of those films is undoubtedly Avengers: Infinity War. While the MCU is responsible for more than one incredible film set to debut in 2018, this one is really going to make an impact. It’s the end of the MCU as we know it, at least, the start of the end. Thanos is going to bring an evil to the feet of our heroes, one they’ve never faced before and it’s going to end in heartache.

However, that battle will also bring a sense of heroism and power that they’ve yet to truly channel and we can’t wait to see it.

Turns out, as to be expected, the cast can’t wait to see it either.

In Robert Downey Jr.’s first social media post of the year, he took to Instagram with something he’s excited for this year. Spoiler alert: it’s something we’re ALL excited for.

Yep, the premiere of Avengers: Infinity War is something we all have to look forward to. So if you’re not into that whole ‘new year, new me’ thing you can at least find joy in the ‘new year, new Marvel’ thing.

MCU fans will roll into theaters for Infinity War on May 4th of this year.