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‘The Big Bang Theory’ Recap ‘The Geology Elevation’

Bert, the geologist has won The McArthur fellowship and Sheldon is jealous. Super jealous.

Sheldon can’t ride a bike?!? Really? Anyway, Sheldon begins reading Bert’s paper and his faces are as Penny puts it “like scrolling through the emojis on my phone,” they are comically animated.

Sheldon finishes Bert’s paper and admits that the paper is spectacular.

Howard found a remote control Stephan Hawking that he made a long time ago. Bernadette thinks its offensive, he doesn’t, so they consult Raj to see which one is right. Raj isn’t sure and it leads Bernadette to dare Howard to call Hawking and show him the toy.

Howard and Raj take a survey to see if the tiny Hawking is offensive. Jury says: YES

Sheldon and Leonard are taking a walk to cool down. He picks up a rock and wants to throw it. Leonard thinks its a good idea… Until he throws the rock at his foot and then kicks it out of anger with the other one…

Sheldon is unusually chipper the next day and he goes to congratulate Bert. Bert says that as a winner, he can nominate someone for next year. He then asks if Howard is working on anything, infuriating Sheldon further.

Back at the apartment, everyone tries to make Sheldon feel better by reflecting on times they were jealous. And Amy finally addresses Penny’s short hair! Yes, she pulled it off, but she looks better with longer hair. It suits the shape of her face better.

Sheldon confronts Bert and admits his envy. Bert says he has a lot to be happy about, his success, Amy- and Sheldon rubs that in Bert’s face. That he has Amy and Bert had a crush on her. However, Bert now thinks he can do better… So Sheldon

Leonard calls Stephan Hawking to try to help Sheldon and he, of course, is successful by saying that he is brilliant. Sheldon thanks Hawking and says that he should have a Nobel Prize. But Hawking thinks that a remote control toy of himself would be pretty cool. Don’t tell Wolowitz!

Bert and Sheldon make up and go see The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Beautiful.


This episode was great! I’m not going to lie, a little Stephan Hawking robot would be the best Christmas gift! It was really nice to see Sheldon get back to his true self. It seemed like he was deviating a bit from who he was in earlier seasons, so in this episode, it was great to see that petty, child-like Sheldon come back.

See you next week, and as Ellen DeGeneres would say, be kind to one another.

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